
July 15 2008, 10:08 PM

                 "Honey, wake up! It's your first day of school," My mom said while shaking my bed.
                 "Mom, I don't want to go!" I mumbled. 
                 "Sorry kid, you have to." 
                 "Fuck," I groaned and stepped out of bed, "How am I supposed to know where my classes and stuff are? I've never been to the school before!" If I complained enough maybe I wouldn't have to go.  
                 "The school set something up with a student to show you around but you have to be there early."
                 "How early?"
                 "Mom," I complained "That's really early."
                 "I know. Whoa it's 6:15 you don't have time to sit around in bed and complain go get ready." 
                 "It's 6:15?! That's 30 minutes to get ready and drive to school! Shit, shit, shit, shit!"
                 I ran into my bathroom and looked in the mirror to see my brown hair a total mess and yesterday's makeup smeared across my face, lovely.  I quickly brushed my teeth and hair.  I washed my face, redid my make up and ran back into my room and started to dig through boxes of clothes until I found my favorite shirt, hoodie, and jeans.  I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 6:30.  I dug through some more boxes and found my yellow chucks and slipped them on.  I yelled goodbye to my mom and ran out to my car.  I didn't have time to find a good radio station so I drove in silence to my new school, Braintree High.  
                 I parked my car in the empty parking lot. Now to find the kid that was going to show me around.  I was looking for a nerd or somthing because I mean what kind of normal person goes to school early.  I was scanning the front of the school for when a tall redhead walked up to me.  To my surprise he didn't look like a nerd at all.  
                 "Hey I'm Nick, you must be the new girl." he said. 
                 "I'm Alexis." I said shaking his hand.
                 "Cool, I'm gonna call you Lexi."
                 "Aw darn."
                 "Why do you not like the nickname?"
                 "No, it's just that now I have to think of one for you!"
                 "Oh, well Nick's not really a cool name to make nicknames for so I think you'll have to get to know me better and make one off of my personality." 
                 "Okay," I smiled.
                 "Here's your schedule." He said handing me a folded up piece of paper, "I started to highlight the classes we have together but then I realised that we have every class together." 
                 "Cool beans." 
                 He grabbed my hand and started walkind towards the school dragging me behind him.  We walked into the school and stopped in the lobby.  He glared at the first door on the right.  I laughed.
                 "Have a grudge against doors or something?" I teased. 
                 He laughed, "No actually, that's the principal's office.  The witch gave me dentention almost everyday last year and made me go to summer school."
                 "Oooh that sucks." 
                 We started walking again.  We got to some lockers and stopped. 
                 "This one's your locker," He said pointing toa locker on the end of the strip, "The one next to it is mine." He smiled," Here's your combination."  
                 "He handed me another piece of paper.  I started to open it and someone spun me around and pressed me to my locker.  I looked up to see that Nick was inches away from my face.   
                 "Oh, hi." I said sheepishly.
                 "Hello," He said with a smirk and he kissed me.     

Posted in Nick Santino


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  • Female
  • 14 years old


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Last update Jul 15, 2008